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The Brokenspoke Analyzer is a tool allowing the user to run “Bicycle Network Analysis” locally.



We recommend using Poetry for installing the tool and working in a virtual environment. Once you have Poetry set up:

git clone
cd brokenspoke-analyzer
poetry install

Activate the virtual environment in the cloned folder by using:

source .venv/bin/activate

The simplest way to run an analysis is to use docker compose.

bna run-with compose usa "santa rosa" "new mexico" 3570670

This command takes care of starting and stopping the PostgreSQL/PostGIS server, running all the analysis commands, and exporting the results.

The data required to perform the analysis will be saved in data/santa-rosa-new-mexico-usa, and the results exported in results/usa/new mexico/santa rosa/23.11.

For more details about the different ways to run an analysis and how to adjust the options, please refer to the full documentation.


Be aware that running an analysis can take several hours!