Developer Setup

The infrastructure relies heavily on Docker containers and Kubernetes.


Before starting, it is assumed that the following tools are installed and configured on the developer machine. If that is not the case, please refer to the official installation instructions to prepare your environment.

It is also expected for all the Broken Spoke Projects to be located in the same folder. If that is not the case, the commands described in this documentation will have to be adjusted accordingly.

Configuring helper variables may help:

export PFB_HOME="{$HOME}/projects/PeopleForBikes"
export BROKENSPOKE_INFRA="{$PFB_HOME}/brokenspoke/infra"

Then make sure the directories exist and go to the right one:

mkdir -p ${PFB_HOME}
cd ${PFB_HOME}


Last but not least, while we try to be platform agnostic and provide as much abstraction as possible, the main developers work on OSX and Linux, therefore Windows users may have to adapt these instructions. As always, pull-requests to help us improve the multi-platform support and automation are welcome.

Setup the local dev environment

REMARK: make sure to run the commands in the correct folder.

Start by cloning the [Broken Spoke] repository:

git clone

Provision and configure a local Kubernetes cluster:


This will spin up Minikube and configure a postgresql instance.

The process will take a few minutes. Follow the it on the screen as it will display some useful pieces of information.

Connecting to the database

Export the connection string as follow:

export DATABASE_URL=postgresql://minikube:minikube@

In another terminal, start the kubectl process:

kubectl port-forward --namespace default svc/postgresql 5432:5432

REMARK: this terminal will have to stay open as long as you plan to interact with the database.

The database is now accessible using your favorite client, for instance pgcli:


or psql:

$ psql $DATABASE_URL -c 'SELECT COUNT(id) from city;'
(1 row)