.. regions: Regions ======= The brokenspoke-analyzer aims at simplifying the process to run analysis locally. In an effort to do so, it will automatically retrieve OSM files of the region where a city to analyze is located. A region can be a full continent, like ``europe``, or a country like ``spain``, but in order to speed up the operations, it is advised to target precisely the city's area when possible. For instance, in the US, the region should be a state, in Canada it should be a province, in France it should be a region, in Spain it should be a community. In some cases, the region can even be the city itself like ``paris`` or ``madrid``. The datasets are coming from either `Geofabrik` or `BBBike` , using the `PyrOSM` library. There are currently almost 700 regions available: - Aachen - Aarhus - Adelaide - Afghanistan - Alabama - Alaska - Albania - Alberta - Albuquerque - Alexandria - Algeria - Alsace - Amsterdam - Andalucía - Andorra - Angola - Antarctica - Antwerpen - Aquitaine - Aragón - Argentina - Arizona - Arkansas - Armenia - Arnhem - Arnsberg Regbez - Asturias - Auckland - Augsburg - Austin - Australia - Austria - Auvergne - Azerbaijan - Azores - Baden Wuerttemberg - Baghdad - Bahamas - Baku - Balaton - Bamberg - Bangkok - Bangladesh - Barcelona - Basel - Basse Normandie - Bayern - Bedfordshire - Beijing - Beirut - Belarus - Belgium - Belize - Benin - Berkeley - Berkshire - Berlin - Bern - Bhutan - Bielefeld - Birmingham - Bochum - Bogota - Bolivia - Bombay - Bonn - Bordeaux - Bosnia Herzegovina - Botswana - Boulder - Bourgogne - Brandenburg - Brandenburghavel - Braunschweig - Brazil - Bremen - Bremerhaven - Bretagne - Brisbane - Bristol - British Columbia - Brno - Bruegge - Bruessel - Buckinghamshire - Budapest - Buenosaires - Bulgaria - Burkina Faso - Burundi - Cairo - Calgary - California - Cambodia - Cambridge - Cambridgema - Cambridgeshire - Cameroon - Canada - Canary Islands - Canberra - Cantabria - Cape Verde - Capetown - Castilla Y León - Castilla-La Mancha - Cataluña - Central African Republic - Central Fed District - Centre - Centro - Centro Oeste - Ceuta - Chad - Champagne Ardenne - Chemnitz - Cheshire - Chicago - Chile - China - Chubu - Chugoku - Clermontferrand - Colmar - Colombia - Colorado - Comores - Congo Brazzaville - Congo Democratic Republic - Connecticut - Cook Islands - Copenhagen - Cork - Cornwall - Corse - Corsica - Corvallis - Costa-Rica - Cottbus - Cracow - Craterlake - Crimean Fed District - Croatia - Cuba - Cumbria - Curitiba - Cusco - Cyprus - Czech Republic - Dallas - Darmstadt - Davis - Delaware - Denhaag - Denmark - Denver - Derbyshire - Dessau - Detmold Regbez - Devon - District Of Columbia - Djibouti - Dolnoslaskie - Dorset - Dortmund - Drenthe - Dresden - Dublin - Duesseldorf - Duesseldorf Regbez - Duisburg - Durham - East Sussex - East Yorkshire With Hull - East-Timor - Ecuador - Edinburgh - Egypt - Eindhoven - El-Salvador - Emden - England - Equatorial Guinea - Erfurt - Eritrea - Erlangen - Essex - Estonia - Ethiopia - Eugene - Extremadura - Far Eastern Fed District - Faroe Islands - Fiji - Finland - Flensburg - Flevoland - Florida - Fortcollins - France - Franche Comte - Frankfurt - Frankfurtoder - Freiburg - Freiburg Regbez - Friesland - Gabon - Galicia - Gcc States - Gdansk - Gelderland - Genf - Gent - Georgia - Georgia - Gera - Germany - Ghana - Glasgow - Gliwice - Gloucestershire - Goerlitz - Goeteborg - Goettingen - Graz - Great Britain - Greater London - Greater Manchester - Greece - Greenland - Groningen - Guadeloupe - Guatemala - Guinea - Guinea Bissau - Guyane - Haiti And Domrep - Halifax - Halle - Hamburg - Hamm - Hampshire - Hannover - Haute Normandie - Hawaii - Heilbronn - Helsinki - Hertfordshire - Hertogenbosch - Hessen - Hokkaido - Honduras - Hungary - Huntsville - Iceland - Idaho - Ile De France - Ile-De-Clipperton - Illinois - India - Indiana - Indonesia - Innsbruck - Iowa - Iran - Iraq - Ireland And Northern Ireland - Islas Baleares - Isle Of Man - Isle Of Wight - Isole - Israel And Palestine - Istanbul - Italy - Ivory Coast - Jamaica - Japan - Jena - Jerusalem - Johannesburg - Jordan - Kaiserslautern - Kaliningrad - Kansai - Kansas - Kanto - Karlsruhe - Karlsruhe Regbez - Kassel - Katowice - Kaunas - Kazakhstan - Kent - Kentucky - Kenya - Kiel - Kiew - Kiribati - Koblenz - Koeln - Koeln Regbez - Konstanz - Kosovo - Kujawsko Pomorskie - Kyrgyzstan - Kyushu - La Rioja - Lakegarda - Lancashire - Languedoc Roussillon - Laos - Lapaz - Laplata - Latvia - Lausanne - Lebanon - Leeds - Leicestershire - Leipzig - Lesotho - Liberia - Libya - Liechtenstein - Lima - Limburg - Limousin - Lincolnshire - Linz - Lisbon - Lithuania - Liverpool - Ljubljana - Lodz - Lodzkie - London - Lorraine - Louisiana - Lubelskie - Lubuskie - Luebeck - Luxembourg - Luxemburg - Lyon - Maastricht - Macedonia - Madagascar - Madison - Madrid - Magdeburg - Maine - Mainz - Malawi - Malaysia Singapore Brunei - Maldives - Mali - Malmoe - Malopolskie - Malta - Manchester - Manitoba - Mannheim - Marseille - Marshall Islands - Martinique - Maryland - Massachusetts - Mauritania - Mauritius - Mayotte - Mazowieckie - Mecklenburg Vorpommern - Melbourne - Melilla - Memphis - Merseyside - Mexico - Mexicocity - Miami - Michigan - Micronesia - Midi Pyrenees - Minnesota - Mississippi - Missouri - Mittelfranken - Moenchengladbach - Moldova - Monaco - Mongolia - Montana - Montenegro - Montevideo - Montpellier - Montreal - Morocco - Moscow - Mozambique - Muenchen - Muenster - Muenster Regbez - Murcia - Myanmar - Namibia - Nauru - Navarra - Nebraska - Nepal - Netherlands - Nevada - New Brunswick - New Caledonia - New Hampshire - New Jersey - New Mexico - New York - New Zealand - Newdelhi - New Foundland And Labrador - New Orleans - Newyorkcity - Nicaragua - Niederbayern - Niedersachsen - Niger - Nigeria - Niue - Noord Brabant - Noord Holland - Nord Est - Nord Ovest - Nord Pas De Calais - Nordeste - Nordrhein Westfalen - Norfolk - Norte - North Carolina - North Caucasus Fed District - North Dakota - North Korea - North Yorkshire - Northamptonshire - Northern California - Northumberland - Northwest Territories - Northwestern Fed District - Norway - Nottinghamshire - Nova Scotia - Nuernberg - Nunavut - Oberbayern - Oberfranken - Oberpfalz - Ohio - Oklahoma - Oldenburg - Ontario - Opolskie - Oranienburg - Oregon - Orlando - Oslo - Osnabrueck - Ostrava - Ottawa - Overijssel - Oxfordshire - Paderborn - País Vasco - Pakistan - Palau - Palma - Paloalto - Panama - Papua New Guinea - Paraguay - Paris - Pays De La Loire - Pennsylvania - Perth - Peru - Philadelphia - Philippines - Phnompenh - Picardie - Pitcairn-Islands - Podkarpackie - Podlaskie - Poitou Charentes - Poland - Polynesie-Francaise - Pomorskie - Portland - Portlandme - Porto - Portoalegre - Portugal - Potsdam - Poznan - Prag - Prince Edward Island - Provence Alpes Cote D Azur - Providence - Puerto Rico - Quebec - Regensburg - Reunion - Rheinland Pfalz - Rhode Island - Rhone Alpes - Riga - Riodejaneiro - Romania - Rostock - Rotterdam - Ruegen - Russia - Rutland - Rwanda - Saarbruecken - Saarland - Sachsen - Sachsen Anhalt - Sacramento - Saigon - Saint Helena Ascension And Tristan Da Cunha - Salzburg - Samoa - Sanfrancisco - Sanjose - Sanktpetersburg - Santabarbara - Santacruz - Santiago - Sao Tome And Principe - Sarajewo - Saskatchewan - Schleswig Holstein - Schwaben - Schwerin - Scotland - Seattle - Senegal And Gambia - Seoul - Serbia - Seychelles - Sheffield - Shikoku - Shropshire - Siberian Fed District - Sierra Leone - Singapore - Slaskie - Slovakia - Slovenia - Sofia - Solomon Islands - Somalia - Somerset - South Africa - South Africa And Lesotho - South Carolina - South Dakota - South Fed District - South Korea - South Sudan - South Yorkshire - Southern California - Spain - Sri Lanka - Staffordshire - Stockholm - Stockton - Strassburg - Stuttgart - Stuttgart Regbez - Sucre - Sud - Sudan - Sudeste - Suffolk - Sul - Suriname - Surrey - Swaziland - Sweden - Swietokrzyskie - Switzerland - Sydney - Syria - Szczecin - Taiwan - Tajikistan - Tallinn - Tanzania - Tehran - Tennessee - Texas - Thailand - Thueringen - Tilburg - Togo - Tohoku - Tokelau - Tokyo - Tonga - Toronto - Toulouse - Trondheim - Tucson - Tuebingen Regbez - Tunisia - Turin - Turkey - Turkmenistan - Tuvalu - Tyne And Wear - Uganda - Ukraine - Ulanbator - Ulm - Unterfranken - Ural Fed District - Uruguay - Us Midwest - Us Northeast - Us Pacific - Us South - Us West - Usa - Usedom - Utah - Utrecht - Utrecht - Uzbekistan - Valencia - Vancouver - Vanuatu - Venezuela - Vermont - Victoria - Vietnam - Virginia - Volga Fed District - Wales - Wallis-Et-Futuna - Warenmueritz - Warminsko Mazurskie - Warsaw - Warwickshire - Washington - Washingtondc - Waterloo - West Midlands - West Sussex - West Virginia - West Yorkshire - Wielkopolskie - Wien - Wiltshire - Wisconsin - Worcestershire - Wroclaw - Wuerzburg - Wuppertal - Wyoming - Yemen - Yukon - Zachodniopomorskie - Zagreb - Zambia - Zeeland - Zimbabwe - Zuerich - Zuid Holland .. Geofabrik: https://download.geofabrik.de/ .. BBBike: https://download.bbbike.org/osm/bbbike/ .. PyrOSM: https://pyrosm.readthedocs.io/en/latest/basics.html#protobuf-file-what-is-it-and-how-to-get-one